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Welcome to my new bulb list! Scroll to the end for ordering instructions.

(not all geophytes are bulbs. However for easiness, I mostly call them bulbs in this list)

Prices are in euros and  indicate flowering sized bulbs. When (*) is present, then the offered bulbs are not mature and will need a year (or max 2) of further growing before reaching flowering size. Also, naturally, there will be a few species that will refuse to flower after transplanting despite having a mature size. 

Listings in blue indicate new or returning species for this year!


Pancratium canariense--------20 €for 1 bulb


Pelargonium appendiculatum-------- 15€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium x ardens------- 10€ for 1 tuber  SOLD OUT

Pelargonium dasyphyllum-------- 8€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium fumariifolium-------- 10€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium fulgidum -------- 10€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium incrassatum-------- 10€ for 1 tuber SOLD OUT

Pelargonium lobatum-------- 14€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium pulchellum-------- 12€ for 1 tuber  SOLD OUT

Pelargonium pulverulentum---- 15€ for 1 tuber  

Pelargonium pulverulentum Oribi Flats-------- 12€ for 1 tuber  SOLD OUT

Pelargonium radulifolium------- 10€ for 1 tuber SOLD OUT

Pelargonium rapaceum------- 10€ for 1 tuber  

Pelargonium sp.1373 Stellenbosch-------- 8€ for 1 tuber

Pelargonium triandrum-------- 12€ for 1 tuber  

Pelargonium trifoliolatum-------- 12€ for 1 tuber  


Phaedranassa dubia-------- 20€ for 1 bulb​  SOLD OUT


Phycella sp. Bio Bio, Chile--------16€ for 3 bulbs*


Polyxena (Lachenalia) ensifolia-------- 16€ for 3 bulbs*

Polyxena (Lachenalia) corymbosa--------16 €for 3 bulbs

Polyxena (Lachenalia) longituba--------10€ for 3 bulbs

Polyxena (Lachenalia) paucifolia--------6 €for 3 bulbs


Pseudomuscari (Hyacinthella) azureum-------- 11€ for 3bulbs

Pseudomuscari (Muscari) chalusicum -------- 11€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT


Rhodophiala bifida red form-------- 10€ for 1 bulb

Rhodophiala bifida orange/red form-------- 12€ for 1 bulb

Rhodophiala bifida pink form-------- 15€ for 1 bulb

Rhodophiala splendens-------- 20€ for 3 bulbs*


Romulea albiflora-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs*

Romulea albomarginata-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs*

Romulea atrandra-------- 12€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea bulbocodium early white form-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea bulbocodium late purple form-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea bulbocodium light purple form (Italy)-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea clusiana-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea columnae-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs*

Romulea crocea -------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea cruciata var.intermedia-------- 12€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea diversiformis-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romuela diversiformis bicolor hybrid-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea engleri-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea eximia-------- 11€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea flava yellow form-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea gigantea-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea grandiscapa-------- 5€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea grandiscapa Canarias form-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea hirta-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Romjulea kamisensis-------- 18€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea komsbergensis-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea leipoldtii-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea ligustica-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea linaresii-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea luteoflora-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs*

Romulea monadelpha-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea multisulcata-------- 5€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea obscura-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea ramiflora------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea rosea-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea rosea var.australis-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea setifolia-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea sp.tiny orange-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea sp.tiny white flowers-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea tabularis-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea tempskyana-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea tetragona-------- 4€ for 3 bulbs

Romulea tortuosa-------- 15€ for 3 bulbs


Scilla autumnalis (Prospero autumnale)-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Scilla cilicica-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Scilla dimartinoi-------- 12 for 3 bulbs*  SOLD OUT

Scilla greilhuberi-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Scilla haemorrhoidalis-------- 15€ for 3 bulbs

Scilla hyacinthoides floriferous form-------- 16€ for 3 bulbs

Scilla lingulata var.ciliolata-------- 18€ for 3 bulbs

Scilla madeirensis--------  20€ for 1 bulb -------- 50€ for 3 bulbs

Scilla messeniaca-------- 15€ for 3 ( 7€ for 3 (young) bulbs*

Scilla ramburei -------- 7€ for 3 bulbs*

Scilla scilloides-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs


Sparaxis auriculata-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis bulbifera white and yellow-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis bulbifera yellow form-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs  

Sparaxis caryophyllacea--------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis elegans orange form-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis elegans white form-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis fragrans-------- 12€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Sparaxis grandiflora var.acutiloba-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis grandiflora var.grandiflora-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis hybrid with dark purple flowers-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis maculosa-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis meterlekampiae-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis 'Moonlight'-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis parviflora-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis 'Sunshine'--------  7€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis variegata--------  10€ for 3 bulbs

Sparaxis villosa-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs


Strumaria aestivalis-------- 12€ for 1 bulb

Strumaria discifera var.bulbifera--------  7€ for 1 bulb

Strumaria gemmata-------- 12€ for 1 bulb

Strumaria tenella subsp.orientalis-------- 7€ for 1 bulb


Tristagma uniflorum-------- 16€ for 3 bulbs


Triteleia 'Foxy'-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia hyacinthina-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia laxa Butte County form-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia peduncularis-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia 'Queen Fabiola'-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia 'Rudy'-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia 'Silver Queen'-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Triteleia 'The Blues'-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs


Tritonia cooperi-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia crocata 'Avalanche'-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Tritonia crocata 'Pink Sensation'-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia crocata 'Plymouth Pastel'-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia crocata 'Tangerine'-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia flabellifolia-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia florentiae-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT

Tritonia lineata-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia pallida-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia securigera-------- 3€ for 3 bulbs

Tritonia squalida-------- 9€ for 3 bulbs


Tulipa raddii------- 4€ for 3 bulbs*


Urginea altissima-------- 40€ for 1 bulb


Vagaria parviflora-------- 10€ for 1 bulb  SOLD OUT


Wachendorfia paniculata-------- 12€ for 3 bulbs


Watsonia aletroides-------- 14€ for 3 bulbs  

Watsonia borbonia subsp.ardernei-------- 16€ for 3 bulbs  

Watsonia coccinea--------  12€ for 3 bulbs

Watsonia deciduous hybrids mixed-------- 5€ for 3 bulbs

Watsonia deciduous orange--------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Watsonia deciduous pink-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Watsonia deciduous red-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs

Watsonia deciduous white-------- 10€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Watsonia strictiflora------- 25€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT


Zephyranthes (Cooperia) drummondii-------- 8€ for 1 bulb

Zephyranthes 'Aquarius'-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes 'Bayberry Bells'-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes 'Grandjax'------- 6€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes Labuffarosa Group 'Big Dude'--------10€ for 3 bulbs   SOLD OUT

Zephyranthes Labuffarosa Group 'Lily Pies'-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes Labuffarosa Group 'Pink Panther'-------- 8€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes Labuffarosa Group 'Star Spangled'------- 9€ for 3 bulbs  SOLD OUT

Zephyranthes 'Pink Comet'-------- 7€ for 3 bulbs

Zephyranthes 'Prairie Sunset'-------- 6€ for 3 bulbs




I received my bulbs. How to plant them? If you are living in a Mediterranean climate area, it's pretty straightforward. Put them in pots and place them outside in a sunny location. I generally use a mixture of 2 parts peat or coir based compost, 1 part coarse sand or grit and 1 part fine perlite. This mixture provides adequated drainage in my rainy winter climate in my corner of the Mediterranean, essential for most species. I add perlite at the botton of the pot for extra dainage and once the bulbs are planted, I top dress with grit or coarse sand or thin gravel in order to keep the leaves that touch the surface drier and also to make my life easier with weeding. But you want to have your material free from weed seeds in the first place. I don't worry much about depth, 2 or 3 times the length of the bulb will do it. In time, bulbs take their position in depth in your pot, some will stay at the top with necks exposed while others like Ferraria will travel to the very bottom of the pot. I like to keep my bulbs in their pots, even when they are dormant. This preserves water desiccation, that some species are prote to, when exposed to air for long periods of time. So if you receieve your bulbs early, pot them up and let them in a shady spot until watering begins. Nevertheless, most of the bulbs can stay in their paper packages in a cool dry spot, until potting is done in September. 


Once mid-September arrives, I water the pots and then let the weather do the rest. If it doesn't rain in September or later I water every 5 days or so. Fertilizing lightly every month is advised, especially if you keep your bulbs in the same soil for many years. The plants need ot stay moist during active growing and flowering but once past that, they need to get dry and go dormant. During summer I keep the pots completely dry in a shady spot (to avoid over baking in the sun and to protect them from the occasional summer storm).


That above oversimplifies the cultivation of summer dormant bulbs. Each species comes from a particular microclimate with its own specific requirements of soil, sun, nutrition, high and low temperature needs. So wherever you are cultivating those bulbs, try to match their needs as closely as possible. The web is full of information on most of the bulbs in my catalog and moreover you can experiment with the, or as I say, carefully watch them as they grow and respond to their needs, especially when it comes watering, feeding and protecting from low temperatures. As most or what I offer are not you common garden store bulbs and you're ordering from my list, you're probably and experienced bulbs grower and know what to do in most cases.


If you climate allows, plant your bulbs in the garden. In a suitable garden spot, geophytes can thrive and propagate much faster than they would do in pots. 


Will they flower the first year? Most of what is listed here are flowering sized bulbs and will flower the first year they're planted, unless otherwise specified. That is if they are grown well and have their needs met. If you're buying those indicated as younger bulbs that means they most likely will require a year or more of growing before they come into flower. 


Are the plants I have true to name? I try to keep the naming in my collection correct. There will be a case or two where I have been mistaken, please notify me if something like this happens. Remember that many of the bulbs in my list I propagate from seed and since my collection is quite extensive with many species of each genus, there is the rare occasion that a hybrid might be produced. And this could be either exciting or disappointing, depending on how you want to see it. If for whatever case you are disappointed to do not hesitate to contact me. 


How to order? That is quite simple. You make a list of what you want and send it either the the form on my Order and Contact page or by email to  and don't forget your shipping address!. I'll get back to you as soon as possible with bulb availability for your order and then you can send your payment through Paypal ( or use my page . Other payment options are available, please ask. Please bear with me if I don't reply right away, I'm one person alone involved in dozens of projects and also grow and collect all of my plants by myself, so being above a computer and replying right away is not possible in most cases. 




There is no minimum order but there is an EU shipping fee of 15 euros for tracked service. That cost will cover your bulbs order regardless how big it is (the cost actually goes up after the limit of 500gr. of your parcel, but you can see it as a small discount on your order). Ordering within the EU. If you would like to order outside the EU, please contact me in advance. For the time being I cannot issue Phytosanitary Certificates, also the cost of it here will definitely deter you from ordering. 


Orders usually take 5-7 working days to reach destinations within Europe. Of course, in a worldwide shipping network, delays and problems could arise, so please cooperate and let me know if there is any problem with your order and I will do my best to solve it.




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