General Seed List T-Z
Tabebuia chrysantha 5€/20seeds
With a bit of effort, you can grow trees in the genus Tabebuia in the most protected frost free areas of the Mediterranean. In this species, the trumpet flowers that follow leaf drop in spring are a vibrant yellow. Needs summer water.
Tecoma smithii 3€/20seeds
A late flowering species, mainly in fall and winter in a Mediterranean climate with the occasional flower in the summer. Can be pruned back hard any time.
Tecoma stans var. angustata 3€/20seeds
A much finer form than regular T. stans with very thin leaves and smaller pure yellow flowers produces unstoppably spring through fall. A much smaller plant too, here reaching a max height of 2 meters.
Tecoma ´Sunrise´ 3€/20seeds
Propably the largest flowered of all the Tecomas I list here and with an unstoppable flowering season, spring to fall. Requires summer water to perform well.
Tecomanthe speciosa 8€/10seeds
Telopea truncata 4€/10seeds
The Tasmanian wattarah is an upright evergreen shrub in the Proteaceae, producing exquisite dark pink terminal flowers. You should try it in areas where naturally your soils is in the acidic side (my indicator in the Mediterranean is when Erica arborea is growing around naturally). Soak seeds in water overnight before sowing.
Teucrium asiaticum 4€/20seeds
An endemic of the Balearic Islands, this small subshrub has aromatic green leaves and spikes of baby pink flowers in late spring.
Teucrium betonicum 4€/20seeds
A big impressive Madeiran species with abundant leaves and purple flowers in spring. Very impressive and takes a while to believe it´s a Teucrium! Very drought tolerant but performs better with some summer water.
Teucrium botrys 3,5€/20seeds
A short lived annual or biennial Teucrium species from the Mediterranean with small pink flowers in the summer, native to western Europe.
Teucrium brevifolium 5€/20seeds
One of my favorite Teucriums, this Mediterranean shrubby native, has light purple flowers from fall to spring. No water in summer or very little if you have to.
Teucrium chamaedrys 3.50€/20seeds
A ground covering species with tiny oak like leaves (the specific epithet in Greek means low oak) and pink flowers in late spring. Perfect for the xeric garden and takes some shade too.
Teucrium chamaedrys ‘Flocon de Neige’ 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A white version of the above.
Teucrium creticum 4€/20seeds.
Despite called creticum, this plant is not native to Crete but can be found in more eastern locations of the Mediterranean. Eventually can get very big (imagine a big T.fruticans) and the pink spring and summer flowers are produced in long spikes above the olive grey foliage. Spectacular for Mediterranean standards.
Teucrium cuneifolium 6€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A mat forming species from Crete, with silver leaves and yellow flowers in summer. Easy to grow and long lived, with good looking leaves in even during its dry summer resting period. Avoid watering in the summer. Germinates easily from an autumn sowing.
Teucrium divaricatum 3€/20seeds
Taller than the above with somewhat upright stems forming a small round bush covered in purple flowers in spring on this eastern Mediterranean species.
Teucrium dunense 4€/20seeds.
In the T.polium complex and looking very similar to that species, but with greener leaves. Same mounding habit and drought tolerance.
Teucrium flavum 3€/20seeds
Another candidate for full sun or some shade this has light yellow flowers in spring. Survives with no summer water.
Teucrium fruticans ‘Quarzazate’ 5€/20seeds
Possibly the best selection of the well-knownT.fruticans, for its silver leaves, compact habit and darkest purple flowers. Seems to come true from seed, as I don’t grow any other cultivars of this shrubby germander nearby.
Teucrium halacsyanum 4€/20seeds
Suited for Mediterranean crevice garden (us Mediterranean gardeners should make this the new trend for all these warmth loving chasmophytes from low elevations), this is mat forming species with dark green leaves and pink flowers in spring. Naturally drought tolerant.
Teucrium heterophyllum 4€/20seeds
Probably the only Teucrium with orange flowers, this Canarian species forms a rounded medium size shrub with whitish grey leaves. If only the flowers were not that hidden underneath the foliage. Very drought tolerant.
Teucrium hyrcanicum 3€/30seeds
An herbaceous perennial species dying to the ground in late fall and returning with upright stems and Veronica spicata like purple spikes. Makes a great display when massed. Self-seeds freely.
Teucrium laciniatum 5€/20seeds
Teucrium lamiifolium 3.50€/20seeds
A small Turkish species for a semi shady dry position, this has white flowered spikes on 10cm stems.
Teucrium montanum 4€/20seeds
A carpet forming montane/alpine species with light yellow flowers in summer. Great for a gravel or rock garden.
Teucrium oliverianum 8€/10seeds
Teucrium orientale 3.50€/20seeds
A small herbaceous perennial species that goes almost completely dormant in the summer but returns with short stems covered in big blue flowers.
Teucrium polium subsp. capitatum 4€/20seeds
A classic herb in our area, this small shrubby has silver foliage which is pleasantly aromatic. In spring it is covered with small yellowish flowers. Cut back after flowering to keep it in shape.
Teucrium procerum 4€/20seeds
A suckering small perennial that in spring produces big white flowers over its hairy stems and leaves. Great mixed with other small Mediterranean plants and especially the similar but blue T.pseudochamaepitys.
Teucrium pseudochamaepitys 4€/20seeds
Another short herbaceous perennial going dormant in the summer but coming back with multiple stems of about 30cm covered with big white flowers.
Teucrium scorodonia 3€/20seeds
A taller species with spikes of lime green flowering contrasting the dark green leaves.
Teucrium sp. from North Macedonia 4€/20seeds
I've lost the tag on this beautiful small perennial Teucrium, but it is a beautiful small plant, with upright stems from a central rootstock with candy pink flowers. In fact after the first round of flowers in spring and early summer I cut it back for a second round in early autumn. Easy and tough plant.
Teucrium subspinosum 4€/20seeds
As its names suggest not very spiny, this species creates small rounded shrubs which are covered in purple flowers in spring. Beware, protect it from your cats, as they can destroy a mature plant in seconds as they are greatly attracted to it!
Thalictrum flavum 3€/20seeds
I enjoy using this plant in all my problematic spots, for its great adaptability, short foliage and tall stems of yellow flowers in early summer. Combines well with almost all other (taller) perennials.
Thamnochortus insignis 4.50€/20seeds
Thamnochortus spicigerus 4.50€/20seeds
Thapsia garganica 4€/10seeds
A big Mediterranean Apiaceae, especially abundant in Turkey, that resembles a shorter version of the giant Ferula, F.communis. Takes a couple of seasons before it flowers.
Thermopsis rhombifolia 3.50€/20seeds
Thermopsis lupinoides 4€/20seeds
A Baptisia like plant with yellow flowers during summer. It will need summer watering and it is very cold tolerant.
Thymbra capitata 4€/20seeds
Thymbra spicata 4€/20seeds
A very aromatic small shrub from the Mediterranean, with spikes of purle flowers in summer. Extremely drought tolerant.
Thymus baeticus 4.50€/20seeds
Thymus carnosus 4.50€/20seeds
Thymus holosericeus 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
An outstanding small shrub from the Ionian coast, with lemon scented leaves and pink flowers in summer, later than most Mediterranean species. Very drought tolerant. Germination is easy and fast in either spring or autumn.
Thymus hyemalis 4€/20seeds
Thymus longiflorus 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
One of my favorite thyme species for the summer dry garden, this has a mat forming habit and some of the longest tubed flowers of dark pink in the genus.Tough and easy.
Thymus orosperdanus 4.50€/20seeds
Tipuana tipu 4€/5seeds
Tordylium apulum 3.5€/30seeds
No Mediterranean meadow should be without this beautiful winter growing annual species. Mix it with more colorful species to create a pleasing combination.
Trachelium caeruleum ‘Hamer Pandora’ 3€/50seeds
Similar to the beloved species, but with leaves with a purplish hue and darker flowers. Let it self-seed in your garden.
Trichostemma lanatum 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Trifolium medium ssp.balcanicum 3€/50seeds
Tulbaghia comminsii x violacea 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
From a clumb of chives like leaves rise dozens of short stems topped with purple flowers. Lovely in a gravel bed. Like a miniature T.violacea.
Tulbaghia violacea var. maritima 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Much smaller than your typical society garlic, this has greener leaves that tend to grow horizontally and thicker flowers of a darker pink color. Best with summer water but can survive without.
Umbilicus rupestris 4€/20seeds
A peruliar little Crassulaceae from the Mediterranean, with rounded leaves and upright green flower spikes. Looks great between rocks. It goes completely summer dormant.
Ungnadia speciosa 7€/5seeds
Urospermum dalechampii 3.5€/20seeds
I call it the Mediterranean Gerbera as it has a Gerbera like appearance with its big lemon-yellow flowers but on a drought tolerant Mediterranean shrub!
Vauquelinia californica 3.50€/20seeds
Verbascum atroviolaceum 5€/50seeds
Verbascum arcturus 3.50€/50seeds
A Cretan endemic species growing as a chasmophyte all throughout the island and especially in the gorges. It was performed excellent in the dry border, although proving a bit shorter lived.
Verbascum boissieri 3€/50seeds
Verbascum bombyciferum 3€/50seeds
A well-known species with very silver and felty leaves and impressive inflorescences with lemon yellow flowers.
Verbascum macrurum 3€/50seeds
A big golden leaved species with very upright flowering stems of dark yellow flowers in the summer.
Verbascum olympicum 3€/50seeds
Verbascum olympicum 'Album' 3€/50seeds
Verbascum phoeniceum 3€/50seeds
Verbascum speciosum subsp. megaphlomos 5€/50seeds
A giant in the genus, with the candelabra like spike rising to 3m if grown well.
Verbascum spinosum 5€/20seeds
Verbascum undulatum 5€/50seeds SOLD OUT
A very attractive Verbascum, for its very undulated lobed grey leaves that form one of the most attractive rosettes in the genus. The big branched inflorescence of light-yellow flowers is not bad either! Very drought tolerant!
Verbena rigida 4€/20seeds
An ever flowering suckering herbaceous species, with purple flowers about which butterflies go crazy. Easy and colourful.
Vernonia baldwinii 3€/20seeds
I originally collected this in Colorado and it has proved to be a long lived perennial in my watered garden. Very upright stems terminate in plate like inflorescences of purple flowers in late summer.
Vernonia lindheimeri var. leucophylla 4€/20seeds
Spectacular when mature, this silver leaved beauty forms upright bushes and shine white in sunlight and it really takes off when the purple flowers adorn the end of the branches in summer. Will benefit from weekly deep watering to grow and flower well.
Vitex lucens 5€/5seeds
The only member of the genus in New Zealand the mighty Puriri, is a rounded tree with a thousand virtues. Heavily dressed with big pinnate green leaves, it has a tropical look but don't let the looks fool you. It is a tough cookie, adapting to a range of situations and soils, as long as you are in zone 9 and above when it comes to winter cold. Numerous pinkish red flowers are rich in nectar and loved by birds, as are the small cherry like fruit that follow. Germinates easily if you soak the seeds in water for 2 days.
Wyethia amplexicaulis 4€/20seeds
Mule ears, is an impressive Asteraceae from the Pacific Northwest USA and prefers seasonably wet areas that dry up as the summer progresses. Its deep tap roots anchor it in deep alluvial soils and the spring to summer flower show is one that is unforgettable. Not an easy plant to establish in the garden, even more in the Mediterranean garden, but worth the effort. At least two months of cold stratification is needed for germination.
Wyethia helianthoides 4€/20seeds
This species likes the same kind of habitat as the one above, but the leaves in this case are dark green and the big daisies are white with yellow centers. Beautiful en masse but you should have a moist meadow in your garden! At least two months of cold stratification is needed for germination.
Wyethia mollis 3.50€/20seeds
Xanthostemon aurantiacus red 5€/20seeds
One of the most known plants of New Caledonia, this dry sclerophyll shrubland species will not take much frost but if you manage to grow it well it will produce some of the most beautiful orange or red Myrtaceae flowers. Should germinate fast from a spring sowing.
Xanthostemon multiflorus 5€/20seeds
Much bigger than the above and also from New Caledonia, this evergreen can become a small tree in a frost free climate and the flowers that almost cover the plant are yellow. Should germinate fast from a spring sowing.
Xeronema callistemon 5€/20seeds
The king of New Zealand flowering plants, this rare evergreen perennial originally from the Poor Knights Islands off the coast from the north island in New Zealand, hence its common name, the poor knights lily. The combination of upright leaves and terminal spikes of red, bottlebrush like flowers is a sight to behold. Not easy to cultivate but worth the effort. Provide a well drained medium (in nature it will grow on rock outcrops), protect from frost and intense summer sun. If it finds its spot, it will reward you with years of flower. Better in containers. Germinates readily in a moist medium.
Xerophyllum tenax 3.50€/20seeds
Yucca baccata 4€/20seeds
Yucca brevifolia 4€/10seeds
Commonly known as Joshua tree in its native California and Arizone, this yucca will gradually become a small tree that probably your grandchild will enjoy. Adapted to Mediterranean conditions and very drought and cold tolerant.Sow in early summer in a sandy medium and let the soil dry between waterings. Yucca seedlings grow much faster than what most people would expect.
Yucca harrimaniae 4€/10seeds
Yucca pallida 5€/20seeds
Yucca schidigera 4€/10seeds
The older I get, the more I learn to appreciate the beauty of yuccas, and this species from the Mojave and nearby deserts is a beautiful plant with short stems, green leaves and the classic white flowers that characterize the genus. Sow in early summer in a sandy medium and let the soil dry between waterings. Yucca seedlings grow much faster than what most people would expect.
Yucca torreyi 5€/10seeds
This species is usually a single stemmed upright plant with green leaves and typical satin white Yucca flowers. Slow growing but beautiful.Sow in early summer in a sandy medium and let the soil dry between waterings. Yucca seedlings grow much faster than what most people would expect.
Zinnia acerosa 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
This excellent little perennial is covered all throughout summer with white flowers without supplemental water.
Zinnia grandiflora 5€/20seeds
Ziziphora capitata 3€/20seeds
This small Lamiaceae annual is grown rather as a curiosity but it does look beautiful in a way with its tiny leaves and flowers.